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Showing posts with label YouTube Posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube Posts. Show all posts

August 30, 2008

Youtube Posts: Adam & Steve Interview Each Other

Adam and Steve are now posting videos at Youtube under the name "GradAdmissionsGurus," but anything we post there will be posted here. In the first two of the videos below, Steve interviews Adam. In the third, Adam interviews Steve. As you can see, we are going for that natural video blog look which is further facilitated by the use of Adam's mighty Xacti. We have not yet mastered the art of video, but thought these were not too embarrassing to show publicly.

Video 1: Adam
Adam discuss why he established this blog, its relation to his admissions consulting business, and why he asked Steve to be a contributor. NOTE: It seems to take longer for this video to load than the next two videos.

Video 2: Adam
Steve asks Adam a mean question about the low number of posts in August and the plan for the rest of the year. The post ends with Steve asking Adam about admissions trends in the US.

Video 3: Steve
Steve is interviewed by Adam about why Steve does admissions consulting, some of the methods Steve uses, and why Steve blogs with Adam.

Now that the introductions are over, our future videos will be more focused on specific admissions issues.

If you have comments about the videos, please either post a comment or email Adam at adammarkus@gmail.com. Yes, Adam knows he needs to go on a diet.

For more about Steve's consulting services, see http://hstevengreen.com/home.html. For more about Adam's, see http://adammarkus.com/.

-Adam & Steve
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